Great Lakes Foot and Ankle Institute BlogTips to Manage Your Arthritis
Tips to Manage Your Arthritis
Apr 18, 2019 1 min read

Arthritis is a painful condition that often gets worse over time. Fortunately, it is possible to manage the symptoms of arthritis effectively and live a full life. Below are some tips to help you reduce pain and maximize mobility.

1. Seek professional care.

If you think you may have arthritis, seeking care from a physician is essential. Your doctor will be able to examine your joints and order tests to officially diagnose you with arthritis. The doctor can also prescribe medications and give you other recommendations to keep your condition in check and improve your quality of life.

2. Follow your doctor’s instructions.

If your doctor has prescribed medications, recommended exercises, and/or advised you to avoid certain activities, make sure that you follow all of these recommendations closely.

3. Stay active.

Although you may be tempted to avoid moving because of your arthritis pain, too much downtime will actually make your condition worse. Instead, you need to engage in regular physical activity to keep your joints limber and reduce pain. If you are not sure what types of physical activity are safe for you, ask your doctor for guidance.

4. Avoid activities that can damage your joints.

Physical activity is important for everyone with arthritis, but certain activities may damage your joints and cause you more pain. Choose activities that don’t put undue stress on your joints, such as walking, riding a bicycle, and swimming.

5. Maintain a healthy weight.

When you are overweight or obese, your joints are under more stress. This increased pressure on your joints can make the symptoms of arthritis much worse. If you have been diagnosed with arthritis, maintaining a healthy weight is essential. If you are already overweight, consider beginning a weight loss program to reduce the stress on your joints.

Dealing with arthritis pain can be a challenge. However, if you take the right steps to manage this condition, you won’t deal with as much pain and you will be able to remain as active as possible.

If you are experiencing symptoms of arthritis, or if you have already been diagnosed with this condition, you need medical care to manage it properly. This condition can be especially painful in the feet and ankles. Great Lakes Foot and Ankle Institute PC offers diagnosis and treatment for patients with arthritis symptoms. Please contact us today to schedule a consultation or request an appointment online.

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